March 22, 2012


Before the U.S. military attacked Iraq, I joined many activists, writers and artists in signing a call opposing a preemptive military invasion of Iraq. We feared such a war would increase human suffering, arouse animosity toward our country, damage the economy and undermine our moral standing in the world.  Our fears turned out to be right.

Once again, we are
calling on people around the country to stop another devastating war, this time on Iran. We are especially calling on women, not to add a burden, but because, as we've seen from from Ireland to Liberia, women often have a peacemaking advantage: we're less likely to be raised with the culturally "masculine" idea that dominance and violence are inevitable. Let's hope that this time, our government listens.

join us us as we call on three powerful American women who can make a difference -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Ambassador Susan Rice and First Lady Michelle Obama -- and as we take on this responsibility ourselves.

Sign this petition today - join the thousands who have signed on and make your voice heard.

If you've already signed, please share it with your friends. Tweet it.  Post it to your facebookWear a Peace with Iran tee.
And make a donation to further CODEPINK's important work to prevent an attack on Iran. 

with friendship -- and hope,
Gloria Steinem

PS: This petition is being organized by CODEPINK in solidarity with Iranian and Israeli women.
Please sign today.