In 2003 women around the US started standing up in PINK, --reclaiming a color many of us thought we'd never wear, as a women's statement for peace -- and daring to resist an administration on the brink of war.

Over the years we have supported many women in bringing peace to the forefront of their communities.

  • CODEPINK is one of the only international groups getting aid to the war-terrorized people of Iraq. We delivered over $600,000 in humanitarian aid to Iraqi civilians after the destruction of Fallujah.

  • We launched Women Say No to War, an urgent appeal from the women of the United States, Iraq, and worldwide, and delivered 100,000 signatures to the White House.

  • We held an amazing 24-hour vigil in front of the White House to reclaim Mother's Day as a day to work for peace.

  • We supported war resisters Suzanne Swift, Lt. Ehren Watada, Army Specialist Mark Wilkerson, Kyle Snyder and Agustin Aguayo in their courageous refusal to participate in the illegal war in Iraq.

  • Whether at Presidential Inauguration, John Bolton's Senate confirmation hearing, Condoleezza Rice's address at the SF Commonwealth Club, Donald Rumsfeld's talk at the Beverly Hills Hilton, or Dick Cheney's fundraiser in Houston, we consistently infiltrated Bush administration gatherings to say, "Stop the Killing, Stop the Torture, No More Lies."

  • We unveiled our new book, Stop the Next War Now, an amazing collection of essays by visionary women, and embarked on a book tour that has taken us to over 75 cities.

  • We delivered over $20,000 in aid to survivors, and during the Thanksgiving holiday we sent a delegation to New Orleans help rebuild homes. In the following months we established a presence in New Orleans and held work camps during the summer months of 2006.

  • We created an online anti-war petition,, that became a vibrant tapestry of individual voices to end the war and in September 2005, we delivered them in person to the White House.

  • We've built global ties through a peacemaking delegation to Iran, a peace tour through Italy, the war tribunal in Turkey, Britain's Stop the War assembly, a gathering in Thailand of women worldwide, and our participation in the World Social Forum in Brazil.

  • We have taken up residence at house in DC blocks from the Capitol, to keep the pressure on Congress to Stop Buying Bush's War!

  • We hold our leaders accountable by camping outside of Nancy Pelosi's home on both coasts and continuously "bird-dogging" Hillary Clinton at nearly all her major fundraisers and events. We have also partnered on the Occupation Project to occupy offices of representatives and senators across the country.