June 23, 2007

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homepage award

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Washington DC!

Medea Benjamin & Rae Abileah ask Hillary to lead us out of Iraq Now!


Last year, speaking at the progressive gathering called Campaign for America's Future, Hillary Clinton said it was not "smart strategy" to set a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq. CODEPINK attendees booed her pro-war stand, an act that was widely reported in the press.

This year, at the same conference, Clinton's position was radically different. Anxious to be seen as an anti-war candidate, she highlighted her bill to deauthorize the war and her recent vote against funding it. When CODEPINK women held up signs saying "Lead Us Out of Iraq Now", Clinton said, "I see the signs. That is what we are trying to do."

Clinton's dramatic shift is mirrored by the other Democratic candidates. While some, such as Cong. Dennis Kucinich, have always been against the war, just a year ago candidates Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Christopher Dodd, as well as Clinton, opposed a Senate bill setting a deadline for troop withdrawal. Now they all support this legislation.

Why have the Democratic candidates moved to anti-war positions? Because of all of us in the peace movement. We have moved public opinion, and the candidates feel that intense anti-war sentiment every day on the campaign trail. Yes, we must continue to push all the candidates to call for an end to the occupation and no bombing of Iran (and to stop blaming the Iraqis for the chaos we created). But let's take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate our success.

And let's push Congress to catch up to the people! Sign up to join or organize a Phone-a-thon in your community to stop them from giving more money for war. It just requires a few people and a few cell phones. It's fun and an easy way to pressure your elected officials to stop this war.

If you really want to up the pressure on Congress, join us at the CODEPINK house in Washington DC! Our presence has created quite a buzz in this town, even in the mainstream press. Just this week, we were on Billy O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes, NPR, ABC News, and quoted in the Washington Post as well as dozens of other newspapers,  (see our Press Room for more). And for a real treat, read this lovely Washington Post profile about our "pink house on the hill."

Let's keep 'em moving forward,
Dana, Desiree, Ena, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Karin, Leslie, Libby, Medea, Nancy, Patricia,
Rae, Rocio, Samantha, and Vanessa

P.S. We are delighted to announce that CODEPINK's website has been nominated for a 2007 Progressive Source Award in the "Best Homepage" category. Please click here to vote for us. The deadline is midnight on Monday, June 25th. Thanks for your help!

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