February 2, 2007


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What an amazing week! We marched, we lobbied, we danced, we used street theater and celebrity muscle and the biggest, most powerful Walk in Their Shoes display ever to make Congress wake up and pay attention to our demand to stop funding war. A few of us got arrested in the process. And we got plenty of coverage--CODEPINK was all over the news, our creative actions casting a vibrant pink glow over Washington.

You can view some gorgeous, inspiring pictures of the march, as well as our pinkslipping of the Senate Hart building, our Ask Hillary to Be a Woman for Peace action, and many other moments of fun and fierce activism here.

Thank you to everyone who filled the streets with pink, who filled the air with chants of outrage and hope, who forced our lawmakers to listen to our plea. We couldn't have done it without all of your help, all of your voices and hands and hearts.

We lost one of our favorite voices this week: Molly Ivins, the courageous, powerful, straight-shooting political humorist, died January 31st. Molly joined us for our first activist retreat last summer and delighted us all with her wit and wisdom; she writes about her CODEPINK experience here.

In her very final column last month, "Stand Up Against the Surge", Molly urged her readers to "raise hell" against Bush-or Shrub as she liked to call him-and his misbegotten war.

Let's keep raising hell in Molly's name. She would love our new Occupation Project: On February 5, 2007, we will begin an 8-week campaign to "occupy" the offices of Representatives and Senators who refuse to pledge to vote against additional war funding. Organize to occupy your Congressperson's office over the coming month and connect with other activists in your area by visiting our new Occupation Project webpage. Click here to sign up to join the Occupation Project--there's many ways that you can help push our new Congress to do the right thing.

Our lawmakers need to know we're expecting them to get us out of this tragic mess. What better way than to show them how it feels to be occupied!

Let's keep our pink power going strong and keep Molly's fire alive!

With gratitude and renewed energy to bring our troops home,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Sonia

P.S. You can read some beautiful tributes to Molly here: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

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