January 19, 2007

To bring the
Mandate for Peace to Congress in
Washington DC, Jan 27-29!

To read about
Reps. Woolsey & Lee's Troop Withdrawal Bill


CODEPINK has surged into 2007 with a vengeance. In the last two weeks, we have streamed into the world like comets, showering powerful pink swaths of outrage and protest and hope across the globe. We've said NO to the infamous prison in Guantanamo -- taking our protest right to the prison gates in Cuba and all over the country. We've said NO to Bush's proposed surge and his continued belligerence.

Now all our work is starting to bear fruit. Outraged members of the new Congress-including some Republicans -- are opposing Bush's mad call to escalate the war. There are a flurry of new bills aimed at stopping the troop build-up and bringing our troops home.

Our favorite bill, introduced on Wednesday by our dear congressional allies Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters, is H.R. 508: The Bring the Troops Home and Iraq Sovereignty Restoration Act. It's a comprehensive plan to withdraw US forces and military contractors within six months of the bill's enactment; repeal authorization for the use of force; prohibit permanent military bases in Iraq; provide economic aid to the Iraqi people; and fully fund health care for U.S. veterans. Call your Congressperson today and ask them to support H.R. 508.

More encouraging signs… In the past, when CODEPINK members protested at Congressional hearings, they have been dragged out and often arrested. But at a Senate Judiciary hearing this week, when CODEPINKers wore Close Guantanamo shirts and stood in protest as Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez testified, Committee Chair Patrick Leahy acknowledged them and their right to protest. And at an Armed Service Committee hearing, Co-founder Gael Murphy even had a chance to have a civil conversation with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General Peter Pace about exit strategies from Iraq. See the clip on MSNBC here.

Just because the climate is improving, however, doesn't mean we can let down our guard. Hillary Clinton still won't call for the troops to come home. Nancy Pelosi refuses to defund the war. And the Bush Administration is making moves to invade Iran.

So PLEASE do all you can to join us on January 27th as we surge into Washington, DC by bus and train and plane and foot and biodiesel truck to deliver the Mandate for Peace. This mass mobilization organized by United for Peace promises to be huge. Almost all the nation's peace groups have put out the call to take to the streets of our nation's capitol on January 27, and we will demand peace with the force of all of our collective lungs. Come for the march and stay for several days of powerful and creative actions, including a Women Say Pull Out convergence, a Walk in Their Shoes installation, press conferences, activist training, and a day of lobbying to educate Congress. We hope you'll be able to be part of this inspiring, life-changing, world-changing experience.

If we can accomplish this much in the first month of 2007 alone, we have no doubt we can bring our troops home by the end of the year.

With peace, love and gratitude,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Sonia

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