January 9, 2007


  Say NO to the
Bush Plan to Escalate!

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President Bush is expected to give his "new direction in Iraq" speech this Wednesday, January 10th -- and you won't like what he's going to say. He wants to increase the number of troops on the ground in Iraq, even though we just elected a new Congress with a mandate to help get us out of there. We have to make it clear that Americans do NOT want more troops in Iraq and we have to act fast!

True Majority has created a coalition called AMERICA SAYS NO. We will take to the streets together after Bush makes his expected call for escalation in Iraq. Nancy Pelosi has already sent a message to Bush saying NO to this projected surge. Between our new Democratic Congress and our loud collective voices, we need to stop this "surge" with a stronger surge of protest.

This week a CODEPINK delegation is in Cuba to Say NO to Torture, NO to Guantanamo. We have combined our protests against Guantanamo to include the call for NO surge.

Join us in saying NO in your own community to the continued madness in both Guantanamo and Iraq.

Can you join an event this week and help stop the surge? Click here to find an event near you and if you can't find one create your own. True Majority has included tools to help you create an effective vigil, add CODEPINK to the name of your event, to let those in your community know where to find you.

We have spent nearly $400 billion on the war in Iraq and will spend half a trillion dollars by the end of 2009 even if all U.S. troops were withdrawn next week. Deadly attacks against American troops and Iraqi security forces continue on a daily basis. The increasingly brutal occupation by American troops provides insurgents with a constant stream of new recruits. More boots on the ground is clearly not the answer, but President Bush isn't listening to anyone -- not to the Baker Study Group, not to the Generals running the show in Iraq, not to many Senators and Congress people from his own party. In the face of this willful deafness, we -- like the tiny people in Dr. Seuss's fable Horton Hears A Who -- have to shout in unison a loud and clear NO.

We say YES to all of you as you stand with us to say NO to this insanity.

With peace, love, and resolve,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Sonia

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