Stop Killing Unarmed Teenagers

July 17, 2013

Dear Activist,

Where's the justice when an unarmed teenager is murdered?

We are deeply saddened by the lack of justice for Trayvon Martin and our condolences go out to the Martin family. Join us and sign the NAACP petition to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding the Department of Justice file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman for taking Trayvon Martin's life.

Tragedies based on racial profiling aren't only taking place inside the US. In 2011, a US drone strike murdered unarmed 16-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Awlaki, an American citizen who was in Yemen at the time. No reason was given for his death, and no one has been held accountable—as no one has been held accountable for the thousands of victims of our drones strikes who are overwhelmingly poor, young men of color. 

Help us raise awareness about these tragedies by sharing this image:

We ache for the families who have lost loved ones to violence. Whether it's guns or drones, from Trayvon to Abdulrahman, the proliferation of weapons in our world must stop.

Onwards towards a peaceful planet,
Alli, Allie, Amanda, Dooler, Emerson, Emily, Gianna, Hannah, Heidi, Jessika, Jodie, Maggie, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Natalie, Noor, Rooj, Sergei, Tighe