Continuing the Legacy of Rachel Corrie

Mar 15, 2013

Dear Activist,

President Obama is preparing for his visit to Israel on March 20th, just four days after the anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death. March 16, 2013 marks 10 years since the brutal killing of Rachel Corrie by a Caterpillar bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, as she tried to prevent Israeli forces from demolishing a Palestinian home. As the Rachel Corrie Foundation marks the 10th anniversary of her death with a call to action, we urge people to continue her legacy by staying educated and engaged.

Staying educated can be as simple as watching a movie, such as the award-winning films 5 Broken Cameras or Budrus. Both cover the nonviolent resistance efforts in the West Bank and are conveniently available on Netflix.

Prefer to read? Learn the history of the conflict with Ilan Pappe's The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, available for instant download on kindle. Stay current with Ben Ehrenreich's article in the NYTimes, Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start? and Joseph Levine's On Questioning the Jewish State.

In Rachel's words, "The international media and our government are not going to tell us that we are effective, important, justified in our work, courageous, intelligent, valuable. We have to do that for each other, and one way we can do that is by continuing our work, visibly." So let us now work together, stay educated and involved, and value each other's work, to bring about justice in Palestine.

In loving solidarity,

P.S.- Find an event near you to commemorate Rachel Corrie's stand in Gaza, or create your own event and submit it to the Rachel Corrie Foundation.

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