Cut the fat and more!


February 22, 2013

“…for too long, we have given the Pentagon blank checks while neglecting our crumbling roads, our aging water systems and our struggling schools” – Rep. Barbara Lee, speaking to the House of Representatives, January 9, 2013


If you think the U.S. is spending too much on the military, we agree! The Pentagon's share of discretionary federal spending is at a whopping 57% for FY13 and now both Democrats and Republicans in Congress are throwing a fit because of automatic cuts that were part of the most recent budget deal. Claiming that dollars spent on weapon systems make people in the U.S. safer is a strategy for increasing fear while keeping the pork rolling to their congressional districts. And claiming that “defense contracting” is a good jobs program is just plain false.

The “supplemental” bills that funded the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have come to an end, but the problem of HUGE Pentagon funding remains. Military spending has more than doubled since 2001, and that increase does not even include benefits for veterans!

What the U.S. needs to get back on its feet is investment in life-affirming jobs creating energy-efficient homes, delivering health care, and supporting education. Buying more drones and other weapons for the Pentagon is a waste of our taxes!

How can YOU help reduce the bloated Pentagon budget?

1.) Send a letter to Congress.  Let your representatives know how you expect them to do something about wasteful, "excessive spending on the military.

2.) Connect the dots for your neighbors between budget cuts at the local level and out of control military spending at the federal level. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper using this handy tool -- let others your community know why our tax dollars should be spent on real needs, not endless wars and military contractors' profits. Once your letter is published, share it with your friends and your representatives in Congress. You can also tweet about it or share on Facebook.

3.) Watch this excellent, short video from the Friends Committee on National Legislation to understand why currently proposed cuts to military spending would not be disastrous as alarmists in Congress and at the Pentagon claim. Then share it with your friends and Congress:

For a budget that places people's needs over contractors' greed,

Alli, Janet, Jodie, Lisa, Medea, Nancy, Sam and the rest of your CODEPINK team

P.S.- Check out CODEPINK's updated Bring Our War $$ Home resources to wage your own local campaign!

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