Gun control...and drone control!

Jan 24, 2013

Dear Activist,

Inaugural weekend 2013 is over! CODEPINK was in the streets supporting President Obama's call for gun control, and adding that we also need DRONE CONTROL! We gave out thousands of our now-famous Make Out Not War Stickers, performed a beautiful anti-violence flash mob in Union Station, cosponsored a 2,500 person Peace Ball, marched with hundreds calling for no blank check to Israel, and greeted thousands of armed service members going into the Commander-in-Chief Ball with the message that Arms are for Hugging! Check out beautiful pictures from all the actions here

We were delighted to hear President Obama say, in his inaugural speech, that “enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war.” Yet the very day of the inauguration, there was another US drone strike in Yemen. And Obama's CIA nomination of John Brennan, mastermind of the drone attacks, threatens to keep us on a path of perpetual war.

John Brennan's confirmation hearing is February 7, and CODEPINK will pack the hearing room. You can help us by generating a twitter blitz to get the mainstream media to ask tough questions about Brennan's nomination and our use of killer drones.

Tweet these:

The American people say NO to Kill List creator John Brennan as head of the #CIA! Where is the controversy?? @MSNBC

A man who approves of killing Americans w/ killer #drones to head the CIA? No way! When will @CNN ask tough questions about #JohnBrennan?

Torture not okay in 2008, but assassination by drone just fine in 2013? Nomination of #JohnBrennan is outrageous. @CNN

Don't tweet? Email the MSNBC News Desk and tell them you are horrified by the nomination of John Brennan. It is outrageous that the nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense is so controversial while Brennan is considered a shoo-in.

Join us as we hold Obama accountable to his promises for peace: no John Brennan for the CIA!

Onward towards a drone-free world,

Alli, Jodie, Lachelle, Laura, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Sam, and Tighe

P.S. Check out this inspiring video of 19-year-old CODEPINK DC intern Lachelle Roddy speaking truth to power during the John Kerry Secretary of State nomination hearing today!

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