December 13, 2011

Will you support young women activists?

NEW RELEASE: Watch the One People Flashmob from Occupy Oakland & SF, cosponsored by CODEPINK, and get inspired to support justice!

Donate $50 and receive our
I Heart 99% bumper sticker

Donate $100 and receive our
"Wake Up Justice" gift pack

Donate $1,000 and receive our Movement Builder gift: Fair trade coffee, bumper sticker, and an autographed copy of the new book Beautiful Trouble: Toolbox for Revolution


When I started volunteering with CODEPINK to "pink slip Bush" in 2004 I suddenly found myself--at the age of 21--brushing elbows (and unfurling banners) with my sheroes. Getting out the vote in swing states, organizing vigils, and standing up to war profiteers taught me the brass tacks of organizing. The mentorship I have received daily over the past seven years from visionary cofounders Medea and Jodie and many other activists has given me the courage to speak truth to power.

Now we are thrilled to find ourselves joined by people all over the country in a new movement--the Occupy Movement -- with a common message that we must bring our war dollars home and focus our resources on jobs, health care, education and other vital human needs rather than war and corporate greed. Dedicated CODEPINK activists have been supporting the Occupy movement in many ways -- from joining the port shut-downs to bringing food and supplies to encampments, helping facilitate General Assemblies, speaking out at rallies, and camping out!

But there is a problem with the Occupy movement that we at CODEPINK have identified--in many places, it has been dominated by male voices. Since day one of Occupy Wall Street, CODEPINK activists have been co-creating "safer spaces," empowering women to engage and take leadership.

What if we could do that across the country? I want young women around the nation to have the opportunity I have had to access their leadership and build their skills. That's why I'm donating $50 to CODEPINK today. Will you join me to make a powerful Women Occupy presence?

Make a year-end donation today to support young women rising.

CODEPINK has empowered me with skills for leadership, and I'm thrilled to share with you that this week I am taking on a new position as co-director of CODEPINK, with Medea and Jodie. I could never have imagined years ago, while chanting on the bullhorn and living off t-shirt sales, that I would one day have this opportunity. 

We are at an historic moment when our deepest dreams of overcoming war and injustice are being debated--and acted upon--in town squares the world over. CODEPINK is right in the middle, with a tent in which everyone can channel their deepest hopes and reclaim our power.

With your help, in 2012 we will continue to amplify women's voices in the Occupy movement and in war zones around the world.  From Rumsfeld to Netanyahu we will continue to stand up to war criminals and war profiteers.  We will continue our bold campaigns to boycott Israeli settlement products.  We will launch several new books featuring CODEPINK authors.  We will keep on supporting the Arab uprising and we will expose the right-wing lobby AIPAC with a national conference in DC.  We will continue to sow the seeds of change to make this world a safer, healthier, more just and peaceful place for the 99%.

It has been your support that has taken us this far. Your donation right now can help us turn the tide on corporate greed and war profiteering.

We don't get many moments like this in our lifetimes. Let's seize it!


Rae Abileah
and the CODEPINK Team 

It's time to planetize the movement.
Watch the new One People Flashmob to see how the 99% and the 1% can come together, and get inspired to support CODEPINK in the year ahead!  Share it on twitter today!

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