May 24, 2011

War Dollars Home

Call Congress 1-888-231-9276
Tell your Rep to stop funding the Afghanistan War and strike language supporting endless war in the military spending bill.


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We're in the midst of an Afghanistan Week of Action and we need your help to give a pink slip to the military industrial complex. The House is starting to discuss the annual military spending bill, giving us the best chance yet to end the Afghanistan War.

1. Call Congress using FCNL's toll-free number, 1-888-231-9276

Demand an amendment be adopted striking Section 1034, "Affirmation of Armed Conflict with Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Associated Forces," completely from the bill. Terrorism must be stopped by the rule of law, not a never-ending war.

Demand a serious debate about the Afghanistan War and tell your representative to vote to immediately end funding for the war and occupation.

2. Email Congress to demand an end to the Afghanistan War.

3. Tweet @Congress: Listen to @CODEPINKalert. Now is the time to #ExitAfghanistan! Stop wasting billions we need at home on war. #endwar

4. Post to Facebook: Join the Afghanistan Week of Action. Tell Congress to Exit Afghanistan and bring the money home.

5. Contact your mayor to cosponsor the War Dollars Home Resolution.

It's time to demand the federal budget reflect the people's priorities.



Onward for Justice,
Alli, Chelsea, C.J., Dara, Farida, Janet, Jean, Jodie, Kristen, Nancy, Medea, Rae, Sanaa, Sasha, Shaden, Tighe

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