April 18, 2011

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Endless Wars & Empires:
Your Tax $$ @ Work

We need a People's Budget

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April 18, 2011


President Obama's budget speech last Wednesday may have sounded good on the surface, but a closer look reveals his willful blindness around the most bloated, wasteful budget line item: the military. He talked about how the two wars contributed to our financial woes, but then never said a word about ending them.

Obama said we need strong security. We know that universal healthcare, education, and jobs are the true pathways to human security. Yet 56% of the FY12 federal discretionary budget funds war.

Let's end the wars and fund our communities. Let's use our mayors to amplify our voices in DC at their conference in June.

In the week since we announced the campaign to find co-sponsors for LA Mayor Villaraigosa's Bring Our War $$ Home resolution, 5 mayors have joined, including Ithaca Mayor Carolyn Peterson and Santa Fe Mayor David Coss!

Contact your mayor today to cosponsor the resolution! Try reaching them on Twitter. Chicago used this last week; you can retweet or add your mayor's handle: @RahmEmanuel Will you cosponsor a resolution to Bring Our War $$ Home w LA Mayor @villaraigosa @usmayors? http://is.gd/l7FaZU

As people send in their last minute tax returns, remind your friends and coworkers that our tax dollars should fund the needs of our communities, not endless wars. Send an e-card to encourage your friends and family to join our Bring Our War Dollars Home campaign!

Help us ditch the war pie for a more nourishing peace pie,
Ali, Alli, C.J., Chelsea, Dara, Farida, Gayle, Janet, Jean, Jodie, Kristen, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Rae, Sanaa, Shaden, and Tighe