March 31, 2011

Urge your representative
to support Rep. Kucinich's amendment and bring our war $$ home! 

Must Read! Medea's
New Smokin' Hot Article:

Obama on Libya: Bush 2.0

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Despite President Obama's best sales pitch, we still don't buy this bombing of Libya. Our position is clear: No matter how well intended it may be, dropping bombs on Libya with no exit plan will only result in another quagmire, like the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan. And we can't afford another war!

If you agree, please take action today. We need to quickly build support for the amendment by Cong. Dennis Kucinich to prohibit funds from being used for this war. Read Congressman Kucinich's letter here. Republicans Ron Paul, Walter Jones, and Tom McClintock, as well Democrats Pete Stark and Lynn Woolsey, have already signed on as co-sponsors. Urge your representative to sign on by sending a letter today or call Congress at (202) 225-3121.

Will you join us in contacting Congress to stop the bombing?

The U.S. track record of engaging in “humanitarian interventions” proves that these military endeavors ultimately become indefinite and disastrously expensive in terms of civilian casualties and our tax dollars. These devastating wars have shown that the U.S. cannot bring freedom to a population by force. Our government's involvement should be to provide humanitarian aid and use creative diplomacy, negotiations, and international pressure—not war. We are deeply concerned about the Libyan people, but bombing them is not the answer.

The price tag on the first eleven days of the Pentagon's military assault in Libya adds up to a staggering $550 million. Senator Lugar, on Meet the Press said, "Estimates are that about $1 billion has already been spent on an undeclared war in Libya."

In “Losing Our Way”, his last column for the NY Times, Bob Herbert writes: “When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the horror of warfare but almost impossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely.

With the current economic crisis and devastating budget cuts in communities throughout our country, please tell your congressperson that we cannot afford to pay for yet another war. It's time to Bring Our War Dollars Home!

Onward for funding books not bombs,
Ali, Alli, C.J., Chelsea, Dara, Farida, Gayle, Janet, Jean, Jodie, Kristen, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Natalia, Rae, Sanaa, Shaden, and Tighe

PS: Join us in DC May 21-24 to counter the largest pro-occupation lobby in the US - AIPAC - with creative protests, an educational summit, cultural events and more. Together we can be a voice for change to usher in a new foreign policy in the Middle East. Be part of this historic event with Alice Walker, Patch Adams, The Israel Lobby authors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, Cindy and Craig Corrie, and many more authors and changemakers from around the country! Sign up today!

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