January 25, 2011


Tonight President Obama will give the annual State of the Union Address. How would you grade his efforts to create a more peaceful world? One CODEPINK member told us she'd give him not just an F, but a "WTF" for expanding the war in Afghanistan. And when it comes to Home Ec, he's given the military an even bigger slice of the pie while the country is starved for dough. The former law professor has hardly made straight A's in upholding international law (Guantanamo still open) and civil liberties (cracking down on peace activists).

Read our full report card for President Obama and print out our 1-page PDF to post at your workplace, school, or another place in your community.

We've taken the alphabet soup of the Obama Administration's major policy decisions, crunched the numbers, and calculated where President Obama is and isn't making the grade.

Today, we invite you to open a conversation with your coworkers, family and friends about our national priorities. Download and print our report card and put it up in the break room, pass it around the dinner table, share it with your local press.

Plus, tonight when you watch the State of the Union address (at 9 pm EST), tweet your grade for the President to us! Tell us how you'd rate the President's accomplishments and #fails and include @codepinkalert and hashtag #SOTU in your tweet. One lucky tweeter will win a "Bring Our War $$ Home" shirt to broadcast voters' demands loud and clear!

Join with us to tell President Obama that his straight-A rhetoric must be transformed into bolder action and a real commitment to peacemaking. For our part, we will continue to organize to end the wars and cut our bloated military budget.

There's no cheating our way to peace,
Farida, James, Jean, Jodie, Joellen, Kathy, Kristen, Linda, Martha, Medea, Nancy, Rae, Shaden, Susan, Tighe

PS: Stop FBI Raids! In December 2010, under the direction of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, the FBI delivered nine new subpoenas in Chicago to anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists. Patrick Fitzgerald's office is ordering the nine to appear at a Grand Jury in Chicago today, January 25. Join a local protest near you and sign our petition to Attorney General Eric Holder calling on him to stop the FBI's repression.


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