November 26, 2008


"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

~ John F. Kennedy

As we gather with family to count our blessings this week, many of us are doing so at shrinking tables. The economy has led to a lean Thanksgiving for many Americans, a stark reminder that our country can't afford to keep paying for a senseless, illegal war.

This year, let's give Peace on Earth for the holidays by reminding our friends and family that when we end war, we will bring more money back home to stimulate our economy and pay for vital human services. When you order our HOPE holiday cards and CODEPINK gift packages, you will send a clear and inspiring message that Peace on Earth begins with us.

We can also give Peace on Earth by saying No to War and War Toys. We are grateful for CODEPINK Pittsburgh, who stage their "Women Don't Buy the War" event the day after Thanksgiving each year to protest the human and financial cost of war, and LaOnf, an Iraqi non-violence coalition, who, in spreading the message of No War Toys to Iraqi children, were able to get war toys banned from the Muthanna province. This holiday season, you can turn your gratitude into action by saying no to war toys in your own community and spreading the word that war is not a game. Click here for ideas and tools!

You can also help us bring our Yes We Can End War message to the Inauguration in DC! Let's translate all our hope and excitement about the election into action as we remind President-Elect Obama to live up to his promises to end war and torture, create green jobs and provide universal health care. To join us in January, including at our Peace Ball with Alice Walker, Amy Goodman and Howard Zinn, click here.

We are already translating Obama's promises into action by bringing our Let's Talk campaign to Iran. The Iranian people have welcomed our Citizen Diplomats so generously this week, and have shared their own nonviolent actions-from planning to swim the Persian Gulf for peace to making films that expose the madness of war. You can read Medea and Jodie's accounts from Iran at our blog PinkTANK. And see some photos here!

Thank you for giving Peace on Earth this holiday season!

Audrey, Dana, Deidra, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jean, Jodie, Keiko, Liz, Lori, Lydia, Medea, Nancy, and Rae

Give the gift of Peace on Earth for the Holidays!

Join us for the inauguration

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