January 15

Commemorate Dr.King 

In honor of the upcoming
Martin Luther King holiday on January 17, CODEPINK has produced an inspiring internet flash movie that reveals just how out-of-sync the White House is with Dr. King's message of peace and love. You can view it by visiting www.codepinkalert.org.
Dr. King was not only a champion for civil rights, but also a stalwart defender of peace and social justice. The flash movie features excerpts from Dr. King's April 4, 1967 speech at Riverside Church in New York City and overlays his words with images from the Vietnam War and the current Iraq War. A loop of a Tupac Shakur song provides a musical background. Over images of war abroad and poverty at home, Dr. King's voice tells viewers:"
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

Dr. King and Mr. Bush are polar opposites. Dr. King preached love, peace and compassion; Bush's message is war, revenge and fear. If Dr. King were alive today, he would be leading massive protests against Bush's war in Iraq and his abandonment of the poor at home. That's why this flash movie encourages viewers to join the activities to protest Bush's inauguration on January 20 and to prepare for rallies against the Iraq war on March 19, the date marking the second anniversary of the invasion.

It is a fitting tribute to Dr. King to speak out against a war that not only destroys the lives of Americans and Iraqis but pours billions of dollars into programs of destruction instead of programs of "social uplift." This anniversary should also be a reminder to supporters of peace that we must support civil rights and social justice here at home.

Please share this internet movie with friends and family to help spread Dr. King's true message.

With appreciation,
Andrea, Carol, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Tiffany
January 10, www.codepinkalert.org