February 4, 2005

Global Week of Action for Women's Rights

During the Global Week of Action for Women's Rights (March 1-9), thousands of women from all over the world will be coming to New York as part of an international call for justice for women. The week the UN's review of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA), the Landmark  U.N. program written ten years ago, outlining a plan for women's rights and gender equality, focusing on the needs of women everywhere for "Equality, Development, and Peace."

The Bush Administration hopes that no one will notice as they refuse to reaffirm the Beijing Platform, yet again eviscerating an international agreement and attempting to roll back women's rights at home and abroad. But we say to Bush and to the world: women are watching and women are marching and women are holding you accountable to meet the pledge of equality and justice.

Grab you mother or sister, your partner or best friend, your nice or your grandmother, and join with the women of CODEPINK and the world to stand in solidarity for and with women around the globe.

CODEPINK will be in New York delivering yet another week full of action, demonstrating, speaking and celebrating.  Join us between March 5th and 8th in NYC for an all-day activist training camp, a public lecture, a street action outside the U.N., among other events.

Can't get to NYC?  Show your solidarity at home.  Hold a vigil for international law, from the BPFA to the Geneva Conventions.  Raise money for a women's health clinic, in protest of the US's retrogressive policies on abortion rights. Meet with elected officials to lobby for women's rights at home.  Don't forget to let us know what you're doing, so we can put it on our site.

For Women's Rights Everywhere,
Andrea, Carol, Claire, Dana, Emily, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Tiffany
February 4, 2005 www.codepinkalert.org