March 16, 2006


International Women's Day, March 8, was a powerful day filled with wonderful events all over the world. Many thanks to all who signed the Urgent Peace Call and joined us in action. Click here to see Los Angeles' beautiful aerial image of Women Say No to War.

The Call with your signatures was successfully delivered to US Embassies from Germany to Fiji to Venezuela. Unfortunately, when we tried to deliver it to the US Mission to the United Nations in New York, we were manhandled by police, and four of us -- including peace mom Cindy Sheehan and CODEPINK cofounder Medea Benjamin-were violently arrested (see Village Voice article and Cindy's blog). So much for US diplomacy!

The Iraqi women's delegation that came to the US for International Women's Day is now touring the country, educating Americans about the grim reality of Iraq today. "The US invasion has killed our people, ruined our lives, and destroyed our country," Eman Khammas told a packed audience of college students in Maryland. "It is responsible for the sectarian violence, and the sooner the foreign troops leave, the sooner we Iraqis can come together to rebuild our nation."

Here are 3 ways you can support these courageous women, and the Iraqi people:

At one of her events, Dr. Entisar asked the audience, "What are your dreams?" Some answered world peace, or an end to all forms of violence. "Ah, such big dreams," she sighed. "For us, we simply dream that our children will come home from school alive. That is all."

She did add, however, that she has one sliver of hope: that people around the world -- especially in the United States -- will rise up and demand an end to this occupation. Please don't let her down.

With hope,
Allison, Eman, Entisar, Dana, Gael, Faiza, Farida, Jodie, Medea, Meredith, Nadje, Nancy, Rae, Sureya & Tiffany

P.S. One international group that has consistently stood in solidarity with the Iraqi people is the Christian Peacemaker Teams, CPT. We at CODEPINK have long admired their dedication and compassion. We join CPT in mourning the death of their beloved colleague Tom Fox and calling for the release of the three remaining hostages: James, Harmeet and Norman. May Tom's example spur us to strive even harder for a world without violence.

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