July 12, 2006


Join the Troops Home Fast!

To pledge
your commitment to fast:

Diane Wilson providing DC's homeless with ice cream.


It wasn't easy scooping out ice cream for the homeless while on our fast! But when we heard about the campaign "I Scream for the Homeless" that during the hot summer months offers ice cream to the homeless in our nation's capitol, we went to help out.

There we saw the devastating financial costs of this war. The $1.5 billion that the District of Columbia is paying for war could have paid for building 10,000 affordable housing units or provided 375 MILLION meals for the homeless! As homeless activist Arafa Speaks told us, "It's criminal that they're spending all this money killing people in Iraq and here at home people are dying on our streets because they don't have jobs or housing."

Diane Wilson, one of our long-term, water-only fasters, is committed to the "I Scream for the Homeless" project. "We'd make a lot more friends feeding people ice cream and bringing joy to the faces of people living desperate lives than bombing villages and abusing prisoners."

So every Friday we'll be out on the streets dishing out ice cream to show the homeless that we love them and demonstrate our commitment to reversing our nation's priorities from war to life-affirming efforts.

Please help us. Here's how:

Donate your lunch money: Skip lunch for a day, and send your lunch money (or more, if you can) to Troops Home Fast. We'll use half of it to buy ice cream for the homeless and half to support our actions outside the White House and in the Halls of Congress while we fast.

Fast for one day: Sign up to join the 3,500+ people who are fasting for at least one day, including Bonnie Raitt, Graham Nash, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover and Sean Penn. You can pick any day -- or days -- between now and September 21, International Peace Day, when the fast ends and we launch a week of actions against the war as part of the Declaration of Peace.

Come to Washington DC: Join us sometime between now and September 21st to be a faster or a supporter. It will be a life-changing experience. Check here for DC activities.

With love from the fasters,
Allison, Dana, Erin, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Katie, Laura, Medea, Meredith, Nancy, Rae, Samantha and Tiffany


  • Remember, you can join in many travel opportunities this summer, from a New Orleans work camp to Camp Casey in Crawford to a retreat/spa in Austin. Click here for info.
  • Don't forget to forward this message to friends!

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