March 8, 2006


Congratulations, we did it!!! And we couldn't have done it without you. Thanks to the amazing efforts of CODEPINK women and devoted peacemakers all over the world, we reached our goal of 100,000 signatures on the Women Say NO To War call. As of March 8, International Women's Day, there were 103,000 signers!

Every single signature counted-we thank you from our hearts…From the masses of pink postcards arriving from Boscobel, Wisconsin to the signatures mailed in all the way from Greece and Japan, each name was represented today at over 100 actions around the globe. Our voice was loud and clear as we delivered the Women's Call for Peace to the US government offices around the world!!! (Click here for updates and pictures of March 8th actions and events.) We will continue to update the website as you send us your pictures and e-mails.

In Washington DC this morning, hundreds of women in pink - led by our courageous Iraqi women's delegation-gathered at the Iraqi Embassy and marched to the White House to turn in the petitions (link to photos and news stories). These amazing Iraqi women shared their experiences living in a nation reeling from war, and spoke passionately of their desire to end the occupation. While Congress was considering the Bush administration's request for $70 billion more for war, American and Iraqi women were walking arm-in-arm, chanting "Money for health care and education, not for war and occupation."

It was a week of great emotions-highs and lows. One of the saddest moments in our campaign was on March 6 in New York, when Gold Star mom Cindy Sheehan and CODEPINK Co-Founder Medea Benjamin, along with two other women, were arrested and jailed as they tried to deliver the signatures to the US Mission to the United Nations. Dragged away while sitting on the steps of a public building, they spent an uncomfortable night on the floor of the city lock-up. They received messages of outrage and support from all over the world. Thank you for all of your concern and well wishes. Although they were treated harshly during their arrest, their spirits are strong.

As we end this historic International Women's Day, we are energized by the example of our Iraqi sisters and determined to continue to organize and mobilize until all troops are out of Iraq. We look forward to the days when we join with our Iraqi friends, not to mourn the dead, but to rejoice in our common bonds and join hands to rebuild their country.

With hope for peace in the world,
Allison, Eman, Entisar, Dana, Gael, Faiza, Farida, Jodie, Medea, Meredith, Nadje, Nancy, Rae, Sureya & Tiffany

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