March 7, 2006


Breaking News: Following a very successful event Sunday in NYC, the Iraqi women finished their press conference in the UN just in time to watch their friends, Cindy Sheehan and Medea Benjamin be dragged off by cops and jailed for trying to deliver the truth. The week of International Women's Day has begun.

From Argentina to Kazakhstan, from Burkina Faso to Bosnia, women are joining together on March 8, International Women's Day, to say no to the war in Iraq. Over 90,000 people from 78 countries have already signed the Call for Peace. Have you? Read our blogs and view photos from this inspiring week and don't forget to check out the delegation's Washington DC schedule.

More Action! Last we checked, there were March 8 anti-war actions planned in 18 countries and 65 cities in the US! In Hyderabad, Pakistan a group will go to their US Embassy with signatures and a message that "the Pakistani people don't want war in Iraq." In Cairo, Egypt they are going to both the US and UK Embassies. On the Fiji island of Suva, women have been wearing pink every Wednesday to spread awareness and get more signatures to deliver to the US Embassy on their island. In Venezuela, after hearing the call from President Hugo Chavez to support the Women Say NO To War campaign, a brand new CODEPINK Caracas chapter formed last week and is organizing an action on March 8th.

In Tucson, Arizona women will hold a rolling fast leading up to a huge rally on the anniversary of the occupation of Iraq, March 18. In Oakland, California women will march from the military recruiting center to a church where women of color soldiers will speak out in opposition to this war. In Los Angeles, over 2,000 women will gather to create an aerial peace image.

With the escalating violence in Iraq claiming the lives of 1,300 people in the past week, it is more critical than ever to come together to demand an end to the occupation and the violence.

Click here to find an event in your community. Don't see an event listed? It's not too late to pull something together! You'll find great tools and resources to help you organize a simple action.

Together we can end the war in 2006! With only 1 day until March 8, please circulate the Urgent Call to all your friends, join us on March 8, and send us your ideas of how we can keep working together for peace.

Peace is always beautiful,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae & Tiffany

P.S. We need help to cover travel expenses for the Iraqi Women's Delegation. Please make a financial contribution to this historic campaign to bring the voices of Iraqi women directly where they are most needed -- to Washington DC.

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