February 1, 2006


Show Your Solidarity with Women Everywhere!

Spread the Word about the Women Say NO to War
Call for peace.

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Another world is possible!

Last week, CODEPINK went to Mali and Venezuela for the World Social Forums. There, we were inspired to see how deeply the world supports peace. Prominent personalities, women's organizations and even Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez signed on to our latest campaign to end the war in Iraq, Women Say No To War. Many others agreed to bring the signatures to U.S. embassies on March 8, International Women's Day.

President Hugo Chavez, who met with CODEPINK cofounders Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans, and Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan, became the 30,000th person to sign the Call for Peace. "There is no stronger force than strong women demanding peace. I'm delighted to sign on, and will encourage women throughout Venezuela to sign," he said.

The momentum for this campaign is building, but we need your help to make sure we reach our goal of 100,000 signatures by March 8. Here's how:

In one very moving gathering we organized in Caracas, Cindy Sheehan was joined by Yanar Mohammad, founder of the Organization for Women's Freedom in Iraq, and Colombian activists trying to end their decades-long strife. Together, we all recited the Colombian group's powerful slogan: "We women did not give birth to and raise our sons and daughters to kill other women's sons and daughters. Not one man, not one woman, not one penny for war."

The Colombian women of the Ruta Pacifica said they would join us outside their US Embassy on March 8. Parliamentarian Nidia Diaz from El Salvador, the only country in Latin America with troops in Iraq, said she'd organize a big anti-war forum in El Salvador. The Canadian Autoworkers and Postal workers pledged to circulate the Call for Peace among their union members. And at the Forum in Mali, the main organizer and former Minister of Culture Madame Aminata Traore signed on, as did Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi, Executive Director of the African Women's Development Fund.

As George Bush continues to shed the blood of Iraqis and U.S. soldiers, waste billions of our precious resources on killing, and threaten a new confrontation with Iran, let's join our sisters and brothers the world over to say-loud and clear-"Not one man, not one woman, not one penny for war."

With thanks,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae & Tiffany

P.S. On Tuesday night, during President Bush's State of the Union address, CODEPINK held protests around the country and Cindy Sheehan was arrested inside the Capitol for simply wearing an anti-war t-shirt. Click here to hear her account of the sorry state of the union.

Check out our latest Women Say NO to War t-shirt, now available on our online store.

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