August 19, 2009


This week, when President Obama met with Egypt's President Mubarak to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and possible paths toward peace, the public was unaware of their duplicity: Both nations are aiding Israel's strangulation of the people of Gaza. Israel has sealed its border with Gaza, but so has Egypt--keeping 1.5 million people in a virtual prison. President Obama has done nothing about it, and Congress just handed Israel another $3 billion!

Families are separated, commerce is destroyed, the sick lack medicines, and nothing has been rebuilt from the devastation of the 22-day Israeli invasion. Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter has said the people of Gaza are being treated "like animals.”

Where is the outrage? Where is the compassion?

If the leaders won't take action, we will. CODEPINK is partnering with dozens of organizations inside Gaza and around the world to organize the Gaza Freedom March--a massive non-violent march to the Gaza/Israeli border on January 1, 2010. We will tell the Israelis, the Egyptians and the world's leaders: “Enough is Enough. Open the borders. End the Siege!

You can join us a couple of ways:

Endorse the Freedom March by signing our pledge

Travel to Gaza with us December 27-January 2,
and be part of the historic March

This march is part of a broader strategy to end Israeli occupation by targeting nonviolently its flagrant violations of international law from house demolitions to settlements to separation walls. We draw inspiration from Gandhi, from Martin Luther King, Jr., and from the thousands of Palestinians who have, for decades, used various forms of civil disobedience to resist the occupation. Please join us.

Thank you for helping us tear down these unjust walls.

In solidarity,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Janet, Jean, Jodie, Medea, Nancy K, Nancy M, Paris, Rae and Whitney


P.S. We saw non-violent protest in action this week when CODEPINK members and other activists attempted a citizens arrest of John Yoo, whose legal memos were used to justify the torture of suspected terrorists. You can read the Washington Post's coverage of the action here.

Endorse the Gaza Freedom March

Join us in Gaza December 27-January 2




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