August 15, 2006

Support the CODEPINK "Visions of Peace" Garden at Camp Casey!

To make a donation


When Cindy Sheehan returned to Texas this summer to continue to ask her question, “What noble cause?”, she also came with the intent to create a space for peace and truth in the face of a President that stands for lies and violence. Last week she announced her purchase of 5 acres near Bush's ranch will become a sanctuary for War Resisters and family members of those serving in Iraq.

For the last week we have watched Camp Casey grow, the tent is up and the crosses of Arlington West are almost complete. What we see missing is a space to honor the innocent who have lost their lives in Iraq and now in Lebanon and Israel.

Join CODEPINK in making an offering to Camp Casey 3, support our “Visions of Peace” garden and memorial. On Thursday August 17th, CODEPINK women will plant a ‘pink' garden and create a memorial at the entrance of Camp Casey 3 using children's shoes to mark the lives that have been lost. They will not be far from the crosses of the soldiers. For more information about Camp Casey and how you can join us click here.

We hope you will come down and join us in the creation of this memorial and garden, or send a pair or two of children's shoes or make a donation to plant some flowers.


We are thrilled that Medea, Gael and Diane are right now on their way across the Atlantic from Beirut, later in the week you will hear more about that trip and our plans from the trip to Jordan

Click here for latest blogs and photos from the Middle East!

offering beauty, peace and life,
Allison, Anedra, Dana, Erin, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Katie, Laura, Medea, Meredith, Nancy, Rae, Samantha and Tiffany

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