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March for Peace with Iraq and Iran

October 27, 2007
Hudson Bay Canvassers and CODEPINK
Padukah, KY

About 200 canvassers and activists at the Hudson Bay Company's annual conference in Padukah, KY, marched in solidarity with the anti-war movement around the country on October 27. Activists linked the lack of funding and govt support for the environmental issues they work on going door to door and phone calling, with the increased funding going to the occupation of Iraq, and demanded money for green jobs, not jails; money for healthcare, not warfare; blue skies and pure oceans, not bombs and pollution; and an end to rape and sexual harrassment of women in the military. We sang peace songs, shared chants, and had a speak out that included one young man whose brother served in Iraq. The day included workshops, discussions, and speaking events.

After hearing a presentation about CODEPINK's creative actions and what we can do to disassemble the pillars of war and stop the "war train" from Rae Abileah, and taking part in creative direct action workshops, the conference participants decided to organize this march. One action that particularly inspired us was CODEPINK activist Desiree Fairooz's inspiring action of putting her bloody hands in front of Condi.

Since this was organized at the last minute, we created signs out of placemats from the dining hall. Nebraskans for Peace also brought their banner.

Canvassers came from all over the country, including Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Florida, and North Carolina.