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Office Visit to Senator Boxer's office

March 21, 2013
Oakland, CA

Robin Ryan's report back:

Susan Harman and I met with 3 of Senator Boxer's staff persons this morning -- Jennifer Tang (Senior Field Rep), Joshua Quigley (Field Rep) and Thomas Bohigian (State Director from the Fresno office). Thomas Bohigian took the lead for Boxer in our discussions in the Oakland office.

Here's what we came away with: Boxer plans to continue her stance against war and still advocates strongly for the removal of troops from Afghanistan.

She wasn't present for the vote on Brennan's confirmation as CIA head because she had an important conflict in her schedule that day (they didn't say what it was, nor how she would have voted were she there.)

She has and will continue to vote for the NDAA, although we were able to explain more about what a travesty the indefinite detention provisions are for both U.S. citizens and foreigners. Boxer will not interfere in the military tribunal that is currently underway with Bradley Manning.

We spent a lot of time discussing the drone problem and I left a CD of the Columbia Law School's studies, as well as "Living Under Drones" and other research materials for the staff to share with her. We voiced our strong opinions about drones, the illegality of the wars the US government currently engages in, Senate Resolution 65 (which they didn't seem to know about but did hint at loyalties to the U.S.'s Israeli ties), John Brennan and our opinions about the current administration and the aggressive direction the US has taken in world affairs.

I do feel that our voices and opinions were heard, if not always agreed with. They heard our suggestions that two of the most critical things we could change were to repeal the Authorization to Use Military Force and the "Citizens United" decision.

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