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Chicago in Solidarity with Gaza

December 30, 2009
Chicago Area CODEPINK
Chicago, IL

On a typically cold and snowy winter evening in Chicago, about 200 people came together to show solidarity for the people of Gaza, the delegates in the Gaza Freedom March, and the convoy of Viva Palestina.

The evening was hosted by Jennifer Bing Canar of American Friends Service Committee. We were honored to have speakers such as Kathy Kelly (who has visited Gaza in 2009 and is a passionate peace activist), Pat Hunt (from Chicago Area CODEPINK), Mezna Qato (from the Chicago Palestinian community), Rabbi Brant Rosen (from Jewish Fast for Gaza), and Brian Van Slyke (from Hampshire College and the student BDS movement).

We were fortunate to have a live telephone feed from Ali Abunimah (Palestinian-American journalist) who was in Cairo. He gave us an up-to-the-minute report on what was going on in Cairo and with the Gaza Freedom March.

We then went to a park across the street with a candlelight procession to show public support for the plight of Gaza.