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Weekly, Monthly or other Repeating Events

San Francisco, CA
“Resurfacing” is an interactive multi-media installation
January 15 – February 21, 2014  6:00pm
January 15 – February 21, 2014 Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 OPENING RECEPTION: Wednesday, January 15 / 6:00 pm / Gallery / Donation With music by AudioPharmacy, poetry by Genny Lim, Lubna Morrar, and GalleryTalks, and much more. Resurfacing is a multi-media installation mapping the confluence of international reverence for water. Following the flow of water related issues as they wash over the globe, Resurfacing connects international problem-solving strategies and thought provoking art from Palestine to Chiapas to our home in the Bay. Resurfacing offers a wide range of audio, visual and performative elements from the clean water initiative of Middle East Children’s Alliance in Gaza, to the public art of Estria Foundation's #WaterWrites, to Zapatista Autonomous Communities and the paintings of Nellie King Solomon. The exhibition is supported by weekly events designed to develop and strengthen relationships that ripple beyond the length of the exhibit. Please join us!
Washington, DC
Vigil: Never Again Includes Palestinians
This vigil normally is held between noon and 2 p.m., but on May 2, it will be extended to 4 p.m. Come anytime in this window and stay for 1-2 hours. Noon - 4 PM
Vigil in front of the Holocaust Museum, across from the "Think About What You Saw" sign. One of the most popular attractions for tourists from around the world, the Holocaust Museum represents the struggle for human rights -- and it's the ideal place to remind visitors respectfully that atrocities are going on elsewhere -- including to Palestinians, at the hands of Israelis. Bring a sign; flyers for distribution will be provided.