Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. This Memorial Day, we invite you to take time to remember those who have been killed in war, and honor their memory by calling for an end to the occupation of Iraq with freeway bannering an a visit to your Congressperson's office.


This Memorial Day Weekend, a national call has been heard to not just decorate the tombs of the fallen but to decorate the highways of America!

All across the country, CODEPINK and impeachment groups will hang banners calling for impeachment and an end to the war in Iraq on highway overpasses during the Memorial Day weekend of May 24 through May 26. With thousands of motorists on the highways for this long weekend, it's a perfect time to get the message across with freeway blogging.

Check out our freeway bannering tips below.


We must confront Congress to ask them the difficult questions and point out the hypocrisy between what they say and what they do!

How does your Congressperson really "support the troops"? Does she fight for an expansion to GI benefits? Is he a champion of "dwell time" and introducing legislation preventing "Stop-loss"? Does he care enough about our troops to be part of the Out of Iraq Caucus? Does she vote for war funding that kills our troops rather than improves VA hospitals and mental health programs? How exactly does he show his support for the troops, with a yellow ribbon on his car?


Get your message to your members of Congress during their home recess: May 24 - June 1. Let them know you are outraged that Congress continues to fund the war, refusing to hold Bush accountable for his failed Iraq policy. Bring a visual representation of the Faces of the Fallen.

Here are some ideas:

Form a delegation to visit your member offices (Senators and Representative if you can manage them all).

Make sure to call the media/press;click here for tips on reaching the media. Use our Sample Memorial Day Press Release and locate press contacts in your area here!

During the visit, tell them how deeply disappointed you are at their inability to stop an unjust war that is killing so many Iraqis and Americans. Give specific examples from your members' own experience: grief over the dead, anxiety about deployed loved ones, etc. Explain that you will campaign hard for a peace candidate.

Create and bring a display board (tabletop-sized or floor- sized) of the photos of the "faces of the fallen" from their state and deliver to their reps' office or home. To get the images, go to If your state has a large number of casualties we suggest that you collect the images by congressional district or city. Click here to download the sample of faces of the fallen from Texas.

Set up the display(s) and ask that they be left up for public view. Note: very few members of Congress have a photo memorial at their office door to memorialize the "ultimate sacrifice" of so many American young men and women.

Bring large poster-sized pictures of Iraqi Refugees, wounded Iraqi civilians, and/or a pairs of shoes, each labeled with the name, birthdate, location and cause of death.


Congress needs to be reminded that troops are dying EVERYDAY while war profiteers are making a "killing" and Congress plays backdoor politics!

By taking a photo memorial of those killed in Iraq to your congressperson's office, you provide a tangible reminder of the true cost of this war.

Deliver your memorial
with a song of mourning by changing the lyrics of Betsy Rose's song “For the Mothers” to “For the Soldiers”:

"I sing for the soldiers who died in Iraq,
for their sorrow,
for their pain.

I sing for the soldiers who died in Iraq,
for their sorrow,
for their pain.

May their broken hearts be cradled,
may our righteous anger be heard.
I sing in rage and in mourning for,
the soldiers killed in war,
all over the earth. (Iraq)
I sing in rage and in mourning for,
the soldiers killed in war,
all over the earth. (Iraq)
I sing in rage and in mourning for,
the soldiers killed in war,
all over the earth. (progressively softer)

Listen to the tune here.


Check out the Freeway Blogger Video: Bright sun shiny day IMPEACH

Honor our Veterans/No More WAR
Honor our Veterans/IMPEACH the War Criminals
Honor our Veterans/IMPEACH NOW!
No more Memorial Days!

HOW TO for Highway Signs (from
1. Find cardboard (any old box will do).
2. Cut it to the size you want.
3. Paint it white (cheap gallon of white paint - $4-$8)
4. Paint your message in large black letters (at least 9 inches tall to read from freeway). I use an overhead projector to make it look professional - no need to do this.
5. Attach to visible overpasses, telephone/electrical poles, guardrails, parking garages - BE CREATIVE... but remember safety first always!!
6. REPEAT!! And don't forget to take lots of photos!

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! (From Beachblogger)
Some highway bloggers prefer to make a permanent banner and hold it instead of attaching and leaving the scene. Here's a how to make a fabric banner but remember to sew sand into the bottom if it's going to be windy. Here are also some good tips here if the police arrive.

* Be respectful, but unafraid. We pay the police to protect us. We are patriotic Americans giving up our free time to defend the Constitution, which is under attack by this band of corporate thugs who have been stealing our money to pay for their wars for profit, causing us to be hated around the world, and putting us in danger of further terrorist attack at home.
* If the police order you to remove the attachments you must do so. The law says you are allowed to hold the banner with your hands.
* If they decide your banner is a traffic hazard, you will have to remove it.
* Try to negotiate, citing the huge billboard ads and use of cell phones by drivers. Ask if it would be ok to stay a few minutes longer... just ten or fifteen minutes, and then do as they say. This way you maintain good rapport and they might even look the other way the next time they see you.

(from freewayblogger)

* Is it Legal? NO & YES!
* Think carefully about your words, movement, body language, and emotions.
* Don't get into an argument with the police.
* Remember, anything you say or do can be used against you.
* Keep your hands where the police can see them.
* Don't run. Don't touch any police officer.
* Don't resist even if you believe you are innocent.
* Don't complain on the scene or tell the police they're wrong or that you're going to file a complaint.
* Do not make any statements regarding the incident.
* Ask for a lawyer immediately upon your arrest.
* Remember officers' badge and patrol car numbers.
* Write down everything you remember ASAP.
* Try to find witnesses and their names and phone numbers.
* If you are injured, take photographs of the injuries as soon as possible, but make sure you seek medical attention first.
* If you feel your rights have been violated, file a written complaint with police department's internal affairs division or civilian complaint board.


Impeachment Barbecue! Serve Cheney & Bush Shiskabobs with M-Peach-Mint Pie.

March in your local Memorial Day parade. Decorate your local Memorials for Veterans and hold a silent vigil at 3pm on Monday.

Honor the women who have died in Iraq serving our country. For those who want to read the names, see List of Casualties by STATE

Have a Teach In for IMPEACHMENT. Collect signatures for IMPEACHMENT.

FLY your US flag upside down as a sign that our country in is distress.

Even John Edwards, in his 2007 Memorial Day Video challenged us (see video here)

"This Memorial Day Weekend,
Don't stand quietly,
Don't just go to picnics,
Don't just gather with your friends.
Engage in an act of Patriotism,
Show how much you love this country
and speak out in support of our troops and bring an end to this war.”