War is NOT Green!

The U.S. military is the single largest consumer of oil in the world and the world's larger polluter, generating 750,000 tons of toxic waste annually. It maintains over 700 bases worldwide, contaminating local communities and causing increased rates of cancer, kidney disease, birth defects and miscarriages.

Nowhere is this more evident than in Iraq, where oil spills have devastated bird and marine life, bombs have destroyed water and sewage plants, and the use of massive amounts of toxic depleted uranium has led to skyrocketing rates of cancer and birth defects.

We call on our representatives to stop funding the devastating War for Oil in Iraq and instead put our taxdollars into developing clean, green sources of energy that will help us build a healthy, peaceful planet. We also call on each other to grow the garden of peace- check out our green ideas below and help grow CODEPINK's garden by sending an invite to your friends to join!


  • Ride the bus, train, bike or walk instead of driving a car
  • Don't buy plastic water bottles. Use an environmentally friendly water jug instead- You can even 'hydrate for peace' with our CODEPINK water bottle! VISIT OUR STORE
  • Invest in energy saving light bulbs for your home, office or apartment
  • Buy local, organic foods (Try our 'Make Coffee Not War' coffee from a women's cooperative in Nicaragua- its organic and fair trade!) VISIT OUR STORE
  • Buy recycled goods
  • Wear sweatshop-free clothing or recycled clothes from a vintage store
  • Plant trees (We planted trees and a beautiful cutting garden in New Orleans last week to celebrate V-Day and the women of the Gulf South- SEE THE PHOTOS HERE)
  • Take a four-minute power shower
  • Carry reusable bags with you when you go shopping (We have fabulous pink tote bags perfect for light shopping and looking good while loving the earth!) VISIT OUR STORE
  • Turn off lights and appliances at the switch when not in use
  • Buy the most energy and water efficient appliances you can afford
  • Clean with green cleaning products


  • Read a great article and charts on the US Military's oil consumption