Fire Rumsfeld!

CODEPINK interrupts Rumsfeld at hearing in DC

 CODEPINK Protesters called for the firing of Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as he testified at the Senate Armed Services hearing. Clad in pink and holding pink signs "FIRE RUMSFELD", Gael Murphy, Pat Elder, Alison Flesher, Ellen Taylor, Andy Shallal, Ben Dolby, Matt Hanson and Analia Penchaszadeh interrupted Rumsfeld as he began giving his opening statement apologizing for the abuses of Iraqi prisoners.

CODEPINK Women for Peace activists made the following assertions, which echoed through radio and TV broadcasts nationwide:

"We need a wider investigation,” called out CP co-founder Gael Murphy, "including an investigation into the killing of civilians, the use of collective punishment, the imprisonment of thousands of Iraqis with no due process." Seven other protesters joined in, speaking out against the war and occupation of Iraq, and calling for Rumsfeld to be held accountable for the disastrous situation in Iraq. "Fire Rumsfeld, War Criminal," the group of eight shouted as they were removed from the floor of the hearing.

CODEPINK has been asking for Rumsfeld to be fired since October of 2003. It became vital that people spoke out. Supporters called or wrote to local media and contacted congressional members.

Here is a sample letter to the editor by LA CODEPINKer Linda Milazzo:

The most frightening reality in Rumsfeld's and Meyer's Congressional testimony was their obvious perception that public disclosure of the atrocities was more heinous than the atrocities themselves; that the greater good was not the total elimination of the torture, but the total elimination of public knowledge of the torture.  Indeed, had Rumsfeld and Meyers prevailed, these inhumanities would have remain buried amongst the seemingly infinite offenses of the secretive Bush Administration.  Shame on them!!!

Sadly, the greatest irony in the unfortunate tribunal was the forced removal of the audible public.  How tragic that the only people banished from chambers were the few patriots who sacrificed personal liberty to give voice to millions.  On behalf of the citizens of the world, equally horrified by these atrocities and the egregious leadership of Rumsfeld, Meyers and Bush, I echo your admonition.  Fire Rumsfeld!!  Fire Meyers!!  Fire Bush!!  Fire Rumsfeld!!  Fire Meyers!!
Fire Bush!!