Peace Delegation to Jordan and Syria

June 12-21, 2006
Join peace and justice activists from around the U.S. on a delegation to Iraq's western neighbors, Jordan and Syria. Meet with Iraqis to hear their first-hand accounts of conditions in Iraq, how they view American occupation, their views how to end it, and what they think of the prospects for reconciliation in post-occupation Iraq.

Learn about the political situation in both Jordan and Syria by meeting with academics, activists, business people, clerics, and diplomats, hearing their various views on Americans and the role of our government and corporations in their lands. The delegation will also meet with Palestinian refugees to examine their lives in both countries. We will also visit ruins, spend time under the desert stars and see Petra, Jordan's stunning ancient city carved in red rock.

Cost for this delegation is $1,450 including all accommodation in twin rooms, two meals/day, in-country transportation, program activities, guides and translation. Fundraising materials and a few partial scholarships are available. CODEPINK supporters will get priority on this trip, which is organized by Global Exchange. Contact Ladan Sobhani at 415-575-5528 or email for more information.