
Organized screenings

Supporters organized screenings of "Senorita Extraviada: Missing Young Women." Lourdes Portillo's extraordinary film is a groundbreaking investigation into the mysterious murders of more than 300 women in Juarez, Mexico. Portillo relies on testimonies of the families of victims as she unravels the layers of complicity that have allowed for these brutal murders to occur. This documentary is available through Women Make Movies.

Wrote Letters

Supporters wrote letters to the Mexican and US governments, urging the Mexican federal authorities to make themselves accountable for the investigation f the abduction and murder of women in Chihuahua state.

  • Click here for a sample letter to Vincente Fox provided by Amnesty International:
  • On Friday, November 21, six members of the House of Representatives – four Democrats and two Republicans – introduced House Resolution 466, which extends sympathy to the victims' families and clearly defines 6 steps that the US government can take to help resolve this tragedy. We contacted congress members and told them to Co-sponsor House Resolution 466. For more information on 466, go to: Click here to read the resolution.

We Hit the Streets, CODEPINK Style

We did what CODEPINK does best, and got out in the streets. We held candlelight vigils, protested at our local Mexican Consulates, told our friends, and spread the word. We organized around key locations to tell our elected officials that we wanted them to put pressure on the Mexican Government. Tell us about your CODEPINK action, so we can help spread the word: