Day Two, Spreading the word of Peace

Posted by on January 25th, 2006

By Jodie Evans, CODEPINK Co-Founder

We began today with a press conference on the affects of the Iraq War. The moderator was Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK. Cindy Sheehan, Fernando Suarez del Solar and Pablo Parades, fielded questions for almost 2 hours in a packed press room. Fernando and Pablo proudly wearing the new CODEPINK buttons Susan Adelman created, Pro Soldier, Pro Peace. (Check them out at the CODEPINK store) They were all excellent; taking hard questions and using them to educate the press here. This MSM relies on ours on MSM for their info about Iraq. By the end Cindy, Fernando and Pablo had the audience in tears.

As we walked to events and stood in the galleria, we ran into friends from Greece and El Salvador. While talking we noticed a fabulous ledge and began planning an action for tomorrow morning. The giant pink slip with BUSH LIED, FIRE HIM, should really delight this crowd. How wonderfully strange to be planning an unfurling of the pink slip without the usual concerns about security. We will use the attention of the unfurl to spread flyers for our Women Say No To War event on Saturday morning. We decided to create an event this afternoon as more and more women...and men, came up to us drawn by our visuals and wanting to know more. All those we have talked to want to know how to participate. So in the midst of all this we are creating flyers, press releases and preparing for an action in the morning.