Downing Street Minutes Day

Downing Street Minutes 3rd Anniversary:
CODEPINK invites you to be part of a national day of action on Saturday, July 23, 2005

If the media would have its way, you wouldn't even know about it. Join CODEPINK and to expose the smoking gun that proves Bush lied about Iraq.

Downing Street Minutes.      

What you can do for Saturday, July 23, 2005:

Host or Attend a July 23 Event here:
Enter your zip code, and either click "Sign up!" to attend an existing event in your area or click on "Sign up to host an event." Be sure to include "CODEPINK" in the description of your event.

CODEPINK hosted events are also being added to this webiste. Click here to access them.

Hosting Tips:

  • Form a Coalition: We encourage you to form a coalition and hold one large event in your area. Invite your Congress Member and Senators. If a large event may not be possible, gather some friends and hold a house party. Don't forget to post the event so that people can attend. You can also organize events leading up to July 23 here.
  • Develop Your Contacts List: Be sure to collect attendees' contact information that you can use for future follow-up/events. Feel free to email us your list for addition to our weekly alert database.
  • Dramatize a Reading of the Downing Street Minutes:
    Download the Minutes here and read about them here. Don't forget to follow this guide to performing a dramatic reading.
  • Hold a Panel Discussion: Invite your Congress Member and/or Senators or local elected officials, and leaders on this issue. Email us if you wish to invite a CODEPINK speaker for this event, and check out speakers available from AfterDowningStreet.
  • Take Photos: Don't forget to send us news and photos of your event!
  • Spread the Word: Each action counts! If you are unable to hold or participate in an event, forward this page to your friends.
  • Help CODEPINK Air Downing Street Memo Radio Ads on Right-Wing Radio! Starting on July 23, CODEPINK will begin a campaign to hit the right-wing airwaves with a radio spot recorded by Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in the Iraq war. The ad will give millions of conservative radio listeners a dose of reality; and urges them to call on their representatives to investigate and hold Bush accountable. Please help us raise $25,000 so we can begin running these ads and push the impeachment issue to the next level!  

Downloadable Resources For Your Use: 

More Action: 

Support Barbara Lee's call for a Resolution of Inquiry:
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus, is circulating a letter to other Congress Members asking them to sign onto a Resolution of Inquiry. Her letter includes this request:

"Join me in cosponsoring a 'Resolution of Inquiry' to learn -- as the Downing Street memo indicates -- whether steps were being taken by the Bush administration to 'fix' intelligence and facts between the two countries around a decision to go to war."

Please encourage your Congress Member to contact Lee's office to support this resolution, and contact Lee's office to thank her for her leadership.