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Speaker of the House--Speak for the Anti-War Majority! Rally at Nancy Pelosi's Office

November 9, 2006
San Francisco, CA

Over 100 peace activists gathered outside Rep. Nancy Pelosi's office on Thursday, two days after the election,to congratulate Nancy Pelosi on becoming the new Speaker of the House and urge her to now speak for the anti-war majority and take action to bring our troops home.

Speakers at the rally included Medea Benjamin, CODEPINKers Sam Joi and Janet Weil, and representatives from the War Resisters League, USLAW, American Muslim Voice, Veterans for Peace, Grandmothers Against the War, and many more groups.

This action was part of a new post-election campaign called "Mandate for Peace." Our goal is to push the new Congress to carry out the will of the voters to bring our troops home from Iraq and pursue foreign policies that promote peace and international cooperation.

We insist that the newly elected Congress, in its earliest days in office, pass legislation requiring the prompt removal of all US troops from Iraq and discontinue funding for military purposes in Iraq except for the safe withdrawal of all U.S. forces.

Click on the news link to read the story from the San Jose Mercury News.

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