1 million veteran family march

by Kym Rising Eagle
January 18th, 2007

I think we need to take a lead from the million man march on Washington. We should have a million veteran and families march on Washington DC. Let it be seen how this war effects our families and solders of this ilegal corporate war. Let our politicians see how our solders, family members of veterans has effected our lives. Let it be seen as the families who have lost loved ones bring a sign that say I lost my child from this war. I am not good at putting thoughts to paper but somehow lets get a march that inspires all americans to come and show how it has effected us and our loved ones.

That is the one thing that is hidden from view. "the other person" who was hurt. We are not "the other person" we are all in this together and no one is the "other person". The "other person" is me, you, our neighbor, our friends. Let's try to find a way to spark a unity of Americans coming to gether to make a clear statement with numbers so big that it cannot be ignored. Just my thoughts.