A Year of Living Without Superstition

by Nancy Hill
January 1st, 2007

I resolve to remove as many superstitious thoughts, actions, and beliefs from my life as is possible and while doing so to encourage others to also question why they do, think, and believe as they do. I am attempting to change my thought processes so I do not automatically assume that I cannot talk to certain "types" of people -- such as religious conservatives -- about matters of war and peace.

It is easier for me to lapse into belief systems that I know have gaping holes in them than to do the work necessary to address inconsistencies and falsehoods I see.

Superstitions arise from laziness and fear. Superstition can no longer be attritbuted to ignorance...at least not for most of the people who live in the western world. Information is available... if you want it. Superstition allows a huge percentage of the American people to put their faith in institutions that haven't functioned for years decades -- by mindlessly repeating phrases such as "the U.S. has the best way of life in the world and -- that is why everyone wants to come here" or "the President of the United States must be respected" to ward off personal misfortune by this mindless repetition of a phrase that tells them that everything will be ok. We can change ourselves.

By irradicating irrational thought in our own lives we can influence people and processes around us. Through a simple but revolutionary change in self this year I resolve to do what needs to be done and not rely on magical thinking that justifies injustices. I resolve to make this be a year of living without superstition. You can too.
