16 Resolutions for all years, including 2007

by maria joy
January 1st, 2007

~~~~~~~~My 16 Resolutions for all years, including 2007: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 - Insist on gender equality & insist false 'superiority' games be caught-in-the-act instantly.

2 - Demand gold-backing for all cash, & not fake paper printing & no more passing "dollars" off as valuable.

3- Immediately start creating dialogues, discussions, negotiations, conversations to replace military weapons body damaging wars. No More killing-maiming-raping wars.

4 - Start accenting each person's personal AWARENESS of false pride, vengeance, greed, & male dominance [all of which force wars, killings, rapes, and more hatred instead of co-existence] Notice patriarchal paradigm of steep hierarchies and self-serving laws & rules.

5 - Create The Dept of Peace, & cancel out Dept of War / Defense -do Harmony do very little militarism.

6 - Focus on Home-CARE, & diminish "security" focus w/fear emphasis

7 - Cancel fear-mongering & enhance TRUST & honesty everywhere in everyone.

8 - Require greed & power-diminishment in all levels govt politicians - w/ a mandatory 2 yr program in self-aggrandizement reduction & with "listening to & assisting the populous -public" skills

9 - Practice consensus more & share power equitably - instead of simple majority decision making. No more 51% rule.

10 - Change to the real 'popular' vote count instead of electoral college misleading count.

11 - Consumerism, "marketing" , advertising, false euphemisms to be drained from this USA culture environment NOW !

12 - Care for others = all living creatures 1

3 - Must do: Observe your own self as easily seen in 'them' others, & learn and change your own hurts & flaws

14 - Speak only your deep truth, & thus prevent pandering, placating, false playing-up for gain.

15 - Wake up to who we-together-as-a-universe real-ly ARE, right Now.

© Maria Joy 2006