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Talk to Friends and Family

In-person conversations are the most powerful way to communicate with Congress. They are also the most effective for empowering people to act — one person, one conversation at a time!

  • If you feel nervous, mentally "begin at the end" - imagining the result you would like to see, such as your friend singing at a weekly vigil, or your father the veteran participating in counter-recruitment.
  • Start small and realistic, with positive energy and intentions - no guilt-tripping.
  • When you are relaxing at home, or out and about doing errands, or having lunch with a few colleagues, or in an intimate conversation with a close friend, take some time to discuss the issues around Iraq or Iran. This can be brief, just a couple of minutes, or an extended discussion. Ask the person(s) you're talking with how they feel about the occupation, mention something you've done recently (like a letter to the editor, or a vigil at a senator's office) and mention ways that this person might take action. Listen deeply - your receptiveness may be the most important part of the conversation!
  • Often people respond well when they are asked to do something specific and limited, such as taking the "No War on Iran" resolution letter to their mayor, or holding a banner at a street action. If they're not willing to take action right away, express your appreciation for the conversation; for example, "Thanks for hearing me out."
  • If they are willing, thank them and make sure they have the information and personal support they need to take the action.