CODEPINK Homepage » Campaigns » Mar 15 & Jan 27: Mass Mobilization in DC


Thank you to everyone who joined CODEPINK and many others in a national march organized by United for Peace and Justice on Washington, D.C., on Saturday, January 27!  It was an incredible gathering and we sent a loud and important message to Congress to take immediate action to bring the troops home.

Click here to see our action photo gallary from the amazing J27 weekend.  You can also upload your own photos - follow the blog link below!

Please upload your blogs to our J27 Blog section. Read other people's blogs from their advenutres here!

Why Come to DC on Jan 27?

On Election Day the voters delivered a dramatic, unmistakable mandate for peace. Now it's time for action. On January 27, 2007, we will converge from all around the country in Washington, D.C. to send a strong, clear message to Congress and the Bush Administration: The people of this country want the war and occupation in Iraq to end and we want the troops brought home now!

This is the crucial moment to come to DC.  Bush will  have just delivered his State of the Union and the new Democratic-led Congress will just be getting into gear.  Congressional members and aides have told us that this is the time to get into the streets and into Congressional offices to keep the pressure on.

As Bush has announced that he will send thousands of additional troops to Iraq, we must press Congress to end this war by stopping its funding. We call on people from every congressional district in the country to gather in Washington, DC -- to express support for those members of Congress who are prepared to take immediate action against the war; to pressure those who are hesitant to act; and to speak out truth to those who remain tied to a failed policy.

On Election Day people took individual action by voting. On January 27 we will take collective action, as we march in Washington, DC to make sure Congress understands the urgency of this moment.

Join CODEPINK in this crucial push for peace!

CODEPINK  |  2010 Linden Ave  |  Venice, CA 90291  |  (310) 827-4320
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