Peace Partners

Become a Peace Partner!

We would love to add you and your organization to the list of partners of I Am a Voter For Peace, which is part of a larger coalition effort called Voters for Peace.

As a partner, you endorse the campaign and spread the word to your members and invite them to make the pledge. You can addI Am a Voter For Peace navigation button onto your organization website.

This campaign will help keep the issue of Iraq on the front burner during the November election, and we will continue this campaign into the 2008 Presidential election as well. Our elected officials, and those aspiring to elected office, must start representing the voice of the majority of Americans who say this war was a mistake and want our troops to come home.

We look forward to hearing from you. You can send your endorsement to

American Muslim Voice CODEPINK
Dolores Huerta
, United Farm Workers cofounder
Will B, The Political Power of Hip Hop Founder
Reverend Michael Beckwith, Agape
Blas� and Theresa Bonpane, Office of the Americas
Patricia Ellsberg, political activist
Tim Goodrich, Iraq Veterans Against the War cofounder
Kerry Gordy, Entertainment Industry Executive
Global Exchange
Global Peace Partners
Elizabeth Holtzman, former member of Congress
The Peace Team,
Sean Huze
, Iraq Vet featured in �The Ground Truth�
Elizabeth Martinez, Nobel Peace Prize nominee 2005
Malu  'Aina Center for Non-Violent
Camilo Mejia,
Iraq war resister featured in "The Ground Truth"
Victor Navasky, The Nation
The League of Young Voters
Mothers Acting Up

Nevada Shakespeare Company
Pablo Paredes, Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Jeff Perlstein, Media Alliance
Mr. Khaild Saeed, American Muslim Voice President
John Stauber,The Best War Ever
Samina Faheem Sundas, American Muslim Voice
Wade Sanders, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Reverend Madison Shockley,
Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Women of Color Resource Center
Reverend Richard Byrd
Kryst Unity Center