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US Out of Afghanistan March and Rally

October 17, 2009
San Francisco , CA

Codepinkers from Berkeley, Calistoga, Concord, Fremont, Oakland, Marin County, Palo Alto, San Jose and of course San Francisco came together in UN Plaza to show our insistence that the US leave Afghanistan -- and Iraq and Palestine!

We helped organize beforehand with the October 17 Coalition (kudos to Nancy Mancias!); tabled; marched for 2 miles with several banners and our homemade signs; and attended the pre- and post-march rally. We had one of the largest contingents in the march.

Renay's paper drones caught folks' eyes and they came around for our "It's Not Science Fiction" flyer. We passed out many flyers about the Gaza Freedom March, and paper calendars for our very busy late October schedule.

The march route took us past the packed shopping district at Westfield Shopping Center, where many people took photos and looked curious. Merchants along Market Street suspended business for a bit to stand in their doorways and give us a lookover -- and sometimes, thumbs up! (Next march we'll hand out flyers.)

Speakers at the rally included CODEPINK's own Ann Wright, who emphasized what she heard from Afghans on her recent trip to that country and the importance of keeping the pressure on, no matter who is president. Global Exchange campaign director and oil industry expert Antonia Juhasz was eloquent on this being a moment of decision on Afghanistan, and to get our voices heard.

For more photos see Rae's slideshow in the attached media link.

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