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NNOMY Counter Recruiting Conference

July 18, 2009
Chicago Area CodePINK
Chicago, IL
The NNOMY (National Network Opposed to Militarization of Youth) had a national counter-recruiting conference in Chicago on July 17-19. There were about 200 participants and at least half were youth. The energy and commitment to counter-recruiting was truly inspiring.

On Friday night, there was a panel discussion. The panel consisted of Pauline Lipman (talked about some of the issues with the militarization of schools, especially in Chicago), Rick Jahnkow (gave a history of the counter-recruiting movement), Tyler Zabel (who became a conscientious objector while still in the military), Denise Ferrisquia, (a student from Chicago working on counter-recruiting), and Nancy Cruz (a student at UCLA working and a Project Yano board member).

Saturday consisted of a variety and diversity of workshops. There were about 18 workshops offered in 4 sections. For a list of workshops, go to and follow the links. Some workshops have documents that you can download. If you would like notes that were taken by Chicago Area CodePINKers who attended some of the workshops, please send an email to and we’ll send you what we have.

Sunday was a morning of reviewing what came out of the workshops and discussing the next steps. NNOMY is willing to be the central clearinghouse for counter-recruiting information, so is definitely a website to bookmark.

If you want more information or have any questions, feel free to contact

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