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Protest at Obama Fundraiser - No KXL pipeline, No Drones!

April 3, 2013
San Francisco, CA

Codepinkers from around the Bay and as far away as Stockton converged on Pacific Heights near the Getty Mansion, where oil fortune heir Gordon Getty hosted a fundraising dinner for Obama and the Dems at $32,500 a plate. We came to say "No KXL Pipeline" and also "No Drones/No Killing" as part of a large event organized by CREDO, the Sierra Club and

Nancy Mancias and allies from World Can't Wait showed up mid-afternoon to bring a huge model drone and signs/banners about Guantanamo hunger striking prisoners directly in front of the mansion; police removed the drone and the street was blocked from both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

We codepinkers marched, sang and danced along to music provided by the always-lively Brass Liberation Orchestra. Our signs expressed opposition to a number of Obama administration policies, including the killing of children by drone strikes and the lack of response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster, as well as the "Stop Keystone XL pipeline" focus.

Janine Boneparth, who was arrested as part of the blockade of the southern leg of the KXL pipeline, already devastating East Texas, led chants on her small "womanhorn." Singer-songwriter Betsy Rose (see photo) who has written and performed songs for the "climate parents" movement and mingled and marched with the 500+-person crowd.

Thanks to a woman from Forum on International Globalization passing out flyers, we learned that the Koch Brothers, whom CODEPINK has vociferously protested in the past, are behind the KXL Pipeline and Canadian tar sands extraction. A full report on that sinister connection will be available on April 15 at

Please click on link to see more photos and full story of the protest.

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