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Protesting Condi Rice War Criminal

February 25, 2013
Walnut Creek, CA

Audience members at the Lesher Center's author talks series got a big surprise as they entered the upscale suburban concert/event hall: Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, dressed in a convict's outfit and holding up her bloody hands!

Condi was one of the biggest Bush admin LIARS who lied the US way into war against Iraq, working the media hard in the leadup to the "shocking and awful" bombing and invasion of March 2003, as well as an apologist for US torture policies.

Some people yelled at us, others looked on blankly, and one man came up to Susan Harman holding her "CONDI IS A WAR CRIMINAL" banner and said how much he agreed with us. At the door of the Lesher Center, Nancy Mancias handed out bookmarks with info on the Friend of the Oil Industry, who has had a Chevron oil tanker named for her. Other protesters held up signs and banners about Rice's lies about the 9/11 attack, the need for accountability and her status as a war criminal.

For more info on Condi Rice and other war criminals, please click on the link below.

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