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We need your help getting out the truth that the Iraq war was based on lies, has left Iraq in tatters, has drained our resources and is being repeated in Afghanistan. Together, we will organize to Bring Our War $$ Home. We know that power lies in following the money. We want to exert pressure to create real change - which is why we would like to work with all of you to get Bring Our War $$ Home city council resolutions passed in your city.
Read Medea Benjamin on Huffington Post: From ‘Liberation' to Operation: 10 Reasons Iraq Was No Cakewalk, March 17, 2011

Learn more about our Bring Our War $$ Home Campaign.

CODEPINK emerged out of a desperate desire by a group of American women to stop the Bush administration from invading Iraq. Over the years, through our work with individuals and organizations around the world, we have worked relentlessly to help highlight the reality of this illegal and immoral occupation.

We feel that by amplifying Iraqi women's voices, leading peace delegations to the region, keeping vibrant, creative protest alive in the halls of Congress as well as raising aid for Iraqi families we have been able to dispel the myth of 'Mission Accomplished'.

We know that war is hell, and this hell can be especially deep for mothers. Less than$600 million (less than the $720m the U.S. spends each day to wage the war) has been slated for emergency relief, basic health services and education for the millions of Iraqis who have been forced from their homes and are now living abroad or are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Knowing this, we continue to work with organizations who focus on the Iraqi Refugee Crisis and to do what the US government has not. Furthermore, we call on Obama and his administration to immediately withdraw all U.S. troops, including residual forces and private contractors from Iraq. Instead, the U.S. government should increase efforts in diplomacy, humanitarian aid and refugee resettlement. Continued troop presence will only encourage more armed opposition within Iraq and will not force the Iraqi government and Iraqi factions to negotiate power. In addition, with the continued presence of U.S. troops, the international community will doubt the U.S. commitment to withdrawal and will wait to invest in diplomatic and reconstruction efforts.

The cover-up continues in Iraq.
Wikileaks obtained video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007 showing American soldiers brutally massacring Iraqi civilians and Reuters journalists. Join the movement to Bring Our War $$ Home! Follow us on Twitter

Join CODEPINK in coming to the aid of Iraqi Refugees! Click here to donate now