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Check out the Iranian Change for Equality Campaign and the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

November 2008:
CODEPINK citizen diplomacy in Iran
The Iranian people welcomed three CODEPINKers generously, and shared their own non-violent actions for peace. You can read Medea and Jodie's accounts from Iran at our blog, PinkTANK.

  In the aftermath of the contested June 12, 2009 elections in Iran, CODEPINK supports the activities of United for Iran.

Leading Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced to 11 years in jail and banned from practicing law and traveling for 20 years by an Iranian judge in January, 2011. Sotoudeh--whose clients have included Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi--was charged for "acting against national security," not wearing Islamic dress during a videotaped message and also for "propaganda" against the regime. Read more and send an e-letter to express your outrage here.

CODEPINK has led several peace delegations to Iran to build bridges between the two nations. In the most recent trip CODEPINK cofounders met with women members of Parliament, Presidential media advisors, and women's peace, business and student groups.

We believe in being the change we want to see. As citizen diplomats, our trips and work around Iran underscores that the Iranian people, like the American people, want peace and not war. As we have seen from the American invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the use of our military to resolve security issues kills and injures innocent civilians, destroys cities and villages, creates more people who dislike/hate our country and who may be willing to use violence against us, and jeopardizes, not enhances, the security of the United States. America's best policy would be to treat Iran with respect and not with threats of military action.