Books & Films

 Books (short, eclectic selection)

Amira Hass, "Reporting from Ramallah: An Israeli Journalist in Occupied Land.” Amira Hass is a prominent left-wing Israeli journalist and author, mostly known for her columns in the daily newspaper Ha'aretz. She is especially famous for living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and reporting on events regarding Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mahmoud Darwish, "Unfortunately, It was Paradise.” Selected poems of Mahmoud Darwish (13 March 1941 – 9 August 2008), a Palestinian poet and author who won numerous awards for his literary output and was regarded as the Palestinian national poet.

Elizabeth Laird with Sonia Nimr, "A Little Piece of Ground." Excellent young adult novel about the effects of the Occupation from the point of a Palestinian boy who loves to play soccer; good for grownups too.

Ilan Pappé, “A History of Modern Palestine.” Pappé is considered one of the Israeli "New Historians" who take a critical view of Zionist narratives and Israel's history.

Alan Rickman & Katharine Viner (eds), MY NAME IS RACHEL CORRIE: Taken from the Writing of Rachel Corrie. A one-woman play composed of the journals, letters and e-mails of a twenty-three-year-old American who was crushed to death by an Israeli Army bulldozer in Gaza as she was trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian Home.

Ahmad H. Sa'di & Lila Abu-Lughod (eds), NAKBA: PALESTINE, 1948 and the Claims of Memory, Anthology of scholarly essays and memoirs about the Palestinian Nakba (the catastrophe). Lila Abu-Lughod's essay “Return to Half-Ruins” is beautiful and poignant.


“Rachel”-- a film about Rachel Corrie

Articles and Blogs after Medea, Ann and Tighe's February, 2009 trip to Gaza

Ann Wright's February 9 interview on Gaza on Grit TV Israel's Crimes

Ann Wright's article “The Israeli Smashing of Gaza and International Silence

Ann's article “Under Siege Again, But Gaza Will Not Die

Ann's article “Can Gaza Be Rebuilt Through Tunnels?

Medea's Benjamin's article “To Gaza With Love

Former Colonel Turned Peace Advocate to visit Santa Cruz

Opposing Views - Los Angeles, CA, USA

"Checkpoint” (documentary, 2005, 80 minutes). Israeli director Yoav Shamir documents the impact of the enforced boundaries known as "checkpoints" on the Israeli border guards drafted to monitor them and the Palestinian citizens who must pass through them daily. Shot in a cinema verite style, a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism, the film shows these anonymous, one-time encounters between both sides and the lasting political, social and cultural effects.

"Arna's Children,"(documentary). Arna's Children is a 2003 Palestinian documentary film directed by Juliano Mer Khamis and Danniel Dannielabout a children's theatre group in Jenin in the Palestinian territories. The film won "Best Documentary Feature" 2004 Tribeca Film Festival.


Kim Elliot

Talks by UNWRA John Ging and by the Gaza Community Mental
Health Program members

Tyler Westbrook

Lincoln Vermont

Codepink Baskets for International Women's Day in Gaza, March 8, 2009

Delegation trip from Cairo to Gaza

A Motorcycle Ride Through Gaza City

23 videos of Gaza by Tyler Westbrook

Terror in the Holy Land

Message of Peace from Gaza

Grassroots in Gaza

Murder on the beach

UN relief Center in Gaza

Viva Palestina leaves Gaza

Jabylia destroyed by American Bombs

Rachel Corrie's Father in Gaza

America Funded Murder on the Beach in Gaza

Traditional Dancing in Palestine

Palestinian Breakdancer

Yummy pies

Zionist Gunboat Threatens Gazan Fishermen

Viva Palestina!

Message from Gaza to world: WE ARE NOT BROKEN

Delegation Meeting with Female Torture Victims in Gaza

Whynotnews Gaza Video playlist

Video of CodePink party with the women in Gaza, Palestinian Dancing.

Viva Palestina Convoy Video by Waqar from Sheffield